Tuesday 19 July 2011

The Faerie Garden

The Ladybug Family

A change of pace for today....

Since it has been so very hot outside the last few days we have been trying really hard to keep Owie cool.  I am ashamed to say that I never realized that he reacts so poorly to heat.  Maybe it's because I put too much stock in what other people say, and maybe it's because I am just not nearly as observant as I would like to think- but whatever the cause, I missed it.  Meltdowns are ACTUALLY Owen melting down- he is too hot, and can't regulate his body temperature!  So five long summers filled with vomiting and dairrhea, bright red ears and feeling miserable, we finally hold the key to comfort.  It comes in the form of a cooling vest.  A wonderful invention that you soak in some water for 60 seconds and wring out- it provides about 2 to 3 hours of cooling comfort for a little boy that only sweats in one spot- the right side of his forehead.  We took it to the beach on the weekend and we ended up with an incredibly cool lil' Owen!  It's not perfect, but it does help!

The First Faerie House

So to help keep everyone cool I decided that a project was in order.  Something to keep little hands and imaginations busy during the hottest part of the day.  We are turning the back garden into a safe haven for Faeries!  Daisy has been so excited to run out every morning to see if they have taken up residence in the little houses.  Her delight is contagious!  We talk about all of the things that make the Faeries want to live in our garden- they love shiny things, and they must have little houses to sleep in.  The kids have had a great time decorating cheap old birdhouses, and this also exercises fine motor skills in preparation for school this September.  Rumour has it, if we sit quiet, and watch long enough, we can even hear their little Faerie wings tinkering...of course, this sound is supplied by little bells tied into the top of the magnolia tree.  There is even a Faerie trap, a shiny silver lantern filled with marbles.  I can't wait to catch a Faerie in it!

The Faerie Trap


  1. I still think this project is the cutest thing ever :)

    Where did you get the cooling vest? I'd like to share it on our Facebook page - I feel like it might be something other families might find handy too.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. The cooling vest is from North American Pride Inc. You can view it here http://www.northamericanpride.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=9_12&products_id=399
    We opted for the "evaporative" cooling vest for our first purchase since we did not know if it would help. They also have something called "phase change" cooling which is much more expensive, but works for a longer time period and provides even more cooling...I love Owen's vest so much I think I want to get one for myself:)
